About Us

About Me 🙂

I create art and opportunities for other cool people.

Hi! I’m Miles. I love to write and make art. I publish my own magazine which has turned into an art business! I use my platform to support local young minds who make the most of their talents and open doors for those who aren’t sure how. My goal is to encourage young people to create and put themselves out there 🙂

The Magazine

Dink is a cozy blog-style magazine written and produced by MIles Wilczak. (that’s me!) It’s named after my favourite insult meaning more or less the same as “dose” or “silly goose.” It’s kind of silly and I think it’s really funny to use during heated arguments. I hope to publish an issue every month or so 🙂

breakfast, healthy, food-1663295.jpg

Here’s what to expect:

  • art
  • think pieces
  • music
  • quizzes
  • diy projects
  • collaborations
  • event reviews
  • fashion
  • memes
  • self help stuff that’s worked for me

A magazine is a shape with many corners. Here’s some corners to expect:

  • dink book club! (corner)
  • recommendations corner
  • tumblr corner
  • matchmaking corner (ooo)
  • educational theft corner

And if you’d be interested in submitting stuff. you can send the following here:

  • art
  • poetry 
  • short stories
  • open call applications